black and white bed linen

Burnt Store PC Corporation (Publishers)

Why would anyone want anything other than a monolithic Basic Input, Output System at the core of their personal computer?

Just as the United States Federal Constitution was a monolithic document containing a path for growth, NOT change, so too, the monolithic BIOS.

UEFI BIOS was the beginning of the end of the personal computer concept, while the two party system of government, NO term limits for congressmen, CORPORATISM, a president focused on commercialization and international affairs instead of the American people and American boundaries and boarders, undeclared war, a Supreme court whose ONLY job was to interpret the Constitution, thus, Constitutionality of laws, who today ONLY destroy freedom for imperialism and globalization for the rule of idolatry, money and Satan.

Quality Computer Services

Burnt Store PC Corporation offers top-notch computer repair and publishing services for all your needs.

computer motherboard with RAM sticks and aftermarket cooling system
computer motherboard with RAM sticks and aftermarket cooling system
Professional Tech Support

Our team of experts provides reliable and efficient tech support to keep your devices running smoothly.

Expert Publishing Solutions

Trust Burnt Store PC Corporation for all your publishing needs and receive exceptional results every time.

Welcome to Burnt Store PC Corporation

We are a dedicated team of publishers and computer repair specialists at Burnt Store PC Corporation. With years of experience, we provide top-notch services to our clients, ensuring their devices run smoothly and efficiently. Our goal is to deliver the best solutions for all your technology needs.

black circuit board
black circuit board



Trustworthy and reliable services


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green and black computer hard disk drive
green and black computer hard disk drive


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man repairing Android smartphone
man repairing Android smartphone

Welcome to Burnt Store PC Corporation! We are publishers and computer repair experts.